

We currently live in a Patriarchal society. I blame the big 3 religions. Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Those faiths are all about acknowledging the mystery god as a man. That has subliminal effects because it sets human men up as the bosses and women play a supplemental role. Matriarchal societies have their own flaws. It does the same as patriarchy but pro woman and con man.

Positives of patriarchies is increased technology. Negatives include war and planetary destruction. Positives of matriarchies include environmental conservation, no wars and consideration of families and feelings. Negatives include no technological advancements and bickering over foolishness. I’m quite sure there is more, but that’s not my purpose with the Build.

One is NOT better than the other. We need to strive for balance at 50/50.

But what do we do to achieve this balance?

I live in the USA. The US is patriarchal. I counteract that by being uber feminine and forcing those in my Cipher to deal with it. I let folks know in every single way that I am a woman and must be treated as such. I don’t play men’s games. Those games are not designed for me to win since I lack a penis. If I encounter a situation where masculinity is expected, I either refuse or I femme it up in such a way men get disgusted. After a few rounds of that, they stop and acknowledge me as a woman.

What brought this on?

My tarot cards. I refuse tarot cards that I don’t see myself in. So that means not are my card heavily female, they also must have people of color. Because at my core, I’m Black and I’m a female. And it’s in everything that I do.

I expect men around me to be masculine. If not I inquire why. Is it my business? Absolutely! No man lives on an island unto himself. Humans are social people who need to share space together. And if I am purposefully striving to cause balance (and hoping that said balance drips our of my Cipher into others) then I need to know why you are throwing it off. If you are gay, then I can be a tad more masculine. Not that that is my aspiration. My aspiration is balance and harmony.

So if you have issues about this patriarchal society we live in…. Do something about it. Be the change you want to see.


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In addition to being the best root worker of ALL TIME (you must have that confidence…) I live a very holistic lifestyle. I feel that’s necessary to properly wield energies. Would you trust some one to make you a shirt when their hands are dirty? Filth isn’t preventing them from creating the garment, but you may not want it when they are done with it.

I tend to follow Ayurvedic paths. Now I am NOT being hypocritical. I advise folks who want to step in the occult to dabble in their own traditions. All societies existed before the big 3 religions and they all have their things. Actually it’s my opinion if folks go back to their roots and shun these ridiculous religions, the planet will be more balanced. Jesus/Mohammed/Abraham are NOT the best thing to come along…. IJS.

But Ayurveda comes from India. Though I’m not Indian, I honor that that area is the root of civilization. And if you follow the plate tectonics you will note that India, Egypt and Ethiopia were all part of the same land mass. Therefore, Ayuveda in some form is what my ancestors used as a medical/lifestyle system. BOOYAH!

The below link includes methods for you to clean yourself up and exist naturally. Getting rid of stuff that clogs you up and adopting healthy alternatives will allow the work to come forward more easily. You’ve opened the channels and keep them open. Nothing impedes your intentions. Sometimes the change is enough to get yourself pointed in the right direction.


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I wanted to do a small update of how my elemental work is going. I’m sort of pleased.

I initially said I was going to start in the summer, since that’s when the idea came upon me. But… after much trial and error… I realized when dealing in elementals it is always appropriate to begin at the beginning rather than somewhere in the middle. East and Air is the beginning. So it made sense that I was frustrated.

So far what I’ve managed to do is really focus on grounding, meditation and altar work. And by altar, I mean ancestor altar.

I disassembled my ancestor altar in 2011 when I moved from my previous home to where I live now. I have always known my current home is a transitional home. It’s not my forever home. But I have lived here for 4 years. There is just no space or the space doesn’t speak to me. The veil thins in this season, so it seems appropriate to resurrect some semblance of an ancestor altar. Doesn’t have to be full on, but something.

We are looking for a new home and I’ve used this eastern energy to aid in my search. There is a lot thrown at folks when looking for a home and I wasn’t completely certain what I was looking for. Medication and grounding has allowed me to quiet the external noise and figure what will be the most soothing for the 7 and myself. And it’s important I have the space to work. I had hoped to be moved in before winter… but winter seems to be my moving time.

Meditating is perfect for figuring out what my work should be. How it will be. And such. I have had a lot of significant revelations. About my family, affiliations, what I’m most passionate about. All very surprising. These are things I needed to know about myself to be authentic.

I’m not done. I still have 2 more months in this energy. I’m excited about where this will lead me.


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A friend of mine went to a “metaphysical” store to browse, maybe get a reading and buy some things. The store’s name is Phoenix & Dragon. It’s on Roswell Rd in Roswell, GA. Metaphysical store… LOL!!!! What that means is it’s white. Had it been Latino it would have been called a “botanica” and had it been Black… well it wouldn’t have existed. I’ve been to that store many, many times. There is a cat and the vibe has always been super chill.

Not this time. We started with the books… I put some in my basket… we moved over to the crystals…. I picked up a couple of few of those too. I picked up some incense, perused the jewelry and considered purchasing some of the clothing. But I sew and buying RTW is hard for me. I moved to the back of the store where they keep the Egyptian type statues and noticed something odd. Throughout the store there was nothing other than the jewelry that was behind lock and key. But there was a small clear safe that house books written by Black authors… Hmmmm…..? I wonder why they did this? I mean the crystals were all out in the open and could easily fit in a pocket or purse. Candles… small items… all could be easily stolen but these books?????

We all know what’s up here.

I asked an employee about this. “Why are these items locked up.” The dumb assed answer I received was, “So people don’t steal them.” I must look like a fool. So I asked, “But why these? I’ve seen nothing else locked up today in this store?” You could so tell she was getting pissed. But why? Because I SAW the insult? Because I was calling her and the store’s policy bluff? She looks me up and down and says, “Certain people steal.” Okay. She has a point. I smiled and handed her the basket that was full of items I had intended to purchase. She followed me as I made my way to the door. Now had that been me, after insulting a person, I would have walked off. Fuck what they have to say. She followed me to the door as I strolled, still looking at items I had no intention of purchasing. She asked me, “Why aren’t buying?” I said, “I’m a dentist, seamstress, midwife and wife to an employed husband. I have never stolen anything in my life. I don’t spend my money in spots that assume that I would.”

Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore

Address: 5531 Roswell Rd,

Atlanta, GA 30342

Phone:(404) 255-5207

Don’t go there.


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Not everyone who has an interest in conjure has a personal access to it. I grew up in a very root-specific family who practiced even if they weren’t trying to. Not everybody has this. But that should never prevent someone from following the path if they feel drawn to it.

The 1st place people turn now a days is the internet. But the internet has a lot of information that can be very overwhelming. The internet can also get you into trouble because it will give you access to things you aren’t ready for. You may start something you can’t finish and that’s never good.

But here is the thing…. You should ALWAYS look for someone to teach you in person. See if there is practitioner in your area who is taking on students. There are always folks who read or divine. Certainly they have expertise in the otherwordly. Also, learning divination is something that all workers need to be able to do. Even in the most rudimentary form of this life. That could be your jumping off point. Learn some form of divination.

Another group of people you could seek out are Wiccans. Wicca is really out the broom closet these days. This is a great resource for pagan information There are covens everywhere. All you gotta do is look. Wiccans will teach you the basics. But not without a cost. A literal cost. I have feelings about Wiccans. They aren’t good either. I’ve been burnt by covens.

When I decided I wanted to walk this path, my family flat out refused to teach me what they knew. They love white Jesus far too much. So all I was able to do was pull out some of the traditions I remembered from my youth, confer with my mother (she doesn’t know much. She was the child they ruined) and figure it out. Initially, I successfully took a pagan class. All Wiccans are Pagans, not all Pagans are Wiccans. That gave me enough insight to be able to define what I wanted to do with my work. I then began to study with a coven… and that’s when the fight started. Most covens are very white, and white people can be racist. They don’t have to be Christian to feel superior. I would love to find a Black coven. I would add on with a Black coven. But there aren’t any in my vicinity. After being the brunt of passive aggression in the name of learning, I was told that I, a Black female, scared all 25 of the white people in that group. Oh well….

Lessons Learned:

Everything I know, I didn’t learn from 1 source. I learned a lot more and was able to shape my work into what I do currently. And it’s always changing. You must be open to learning throughout your life for learning’s sake.

Books are fine, but Knowledge without action will not lead to Understanding. Meaning, reading alone won’t teach you everything. Did you learn to drive from just reading about it? No, you had to practice before you got a license.

Conjure is a broad thing. You cannot be good at everything. You must declare a major. You don’t go to college and major in College. You pick a field that you want to be the best at. For example, I’m not good with court cases. I don’t have experience personally with court, so why would I be? Don’t be a Conjure jack of all trades, master of none. Be an exceptional tarot reader, astrologist, healer, herbalist, guide, court case, psychic, revenge, dark art, necromancer, whatever. You can always add to your resume later

TV ain’t real. Charmed, Harry Potter, while interesting is not real. Just like doctor shows aren’t real and law shows aren’t real. It’s entertainment purposes only.

You define the type of practitioner you want to be. If you want to be solitary, that’s okay. Eclectic is cool, but if you want to add on in groups that’s fine too. If someone starts to tell you that there way is the ONLY way… run. Break up with them via text.

Try not to appropriate other traditions. Every culture has a tradition. Your own traditions will be stronger from your hands. Bit if you feel you must, be solitary as not to offend.

And you will not learn “spells” from the internet. I’m sorry. You can get good information, but no real work. I wouldn’t trust anything online outside of information. Never trust anybody. Understand why you’re doing what you do. Don’t just take folks word for it.

This is a discussion not a lecture. You’re welcome to add on.


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Home Business


This build is not just otherworldly but about the mundane as well. Seriously, don’t turn to magic 1st. It should be the last ting you do.

Me and my God are looking for a house. We have been looking since August and were getting super disillusioned. Our house has to have certain specs. Man cave for the 7, sewing room for me, and most importantly… A room for my mother either on the main floor and not a lot of steps for her because she has trouble walking. (She doesn’t live with us full time yet… but I see it coming.) We had been putting offers down and our offers were getting rejected. Our agent seemed to be losing interest in finding us that perfect spot; to the point she just gives us codes and tells us to go in on our own.

Well if you can’t accomplish something with mundane methods…… I found some work online (I didn’t have anything ready since I never needed to look for a house before) and added some of my own touches to it and was prepared to get down and handle some business so that we could get us a house. BUT…..

I found a house online that I had an instant connection with. But unbeknownst to me…. my husband also had a connection to the house. He has never had a connection to a house before. And when I say connection, I mean sight unseen. He even knew how to get there. He doesn’t know how to get anywhere! He told me that before he saw the online image of the house he had been super anxious. He really hates where we currently live. I don’t hate it… But I am ready to go. I’ve owned a home before and I’m not looking forward to all the responsibility that goes into it. But he is a solid rock and it takes away a lot of my apprehension.

He doesn’t practice anymore… not that he ever super did, like me… but he’s not opposed to the work I do. He actually helps. But he doesn’t want to get back in that particular cipher again for whatever reason. And I understand. But when he has a revelation….. I honor it.

I’m not going to say we have been successful, but we are closer than we have ever been. So don’t hate! But what I wanna say with this build is that when you are in a relationship…. your partner is the most important person in your life. And that is the person you should “ride or die” for. When you have a partner, they are more important than your parents, siblings and best friends. Your spouse is more important than your children IF the spouse is also parent to those children. If not, well then the water becomes murky. If parents love and respect each other, they will love and respect what’s important to the other. And children are important. But they should never come before the primary relationship.

This is not a spooky bit of advice, but it still works… But always… Always….ALWAYS…. support your partner. And expect the same in response.


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Does Magick work? Well if you ask the question, the answer is no. But for those of you that said yes or declined to answer… Then yes it will work for you. There is no in and out. Either it works for your you or it doesn’t. So many people’s response to folks laying trick on them and others is, “If you don’t believe it, it won’t work.” And that is VERY true. So why even bother? When I say it won’t work FOR you, I don’t mean it won’t work ON you. Gotta pay attention to those prepositions. If you don’t believe in the power then you don’t get to wield it.

I have worked on people without their knowledge and the work was successful. Technically those people were unbelievers for that particular instance; yet it worked. 95% of the time that you’re thrown at, it’s not like you know until the results manifest. But it did and does without your permission. So… conjure works.

The bottom line to what I’m am saying in this Build is…. Ignorance will NOT protect you from rootwork.


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I’m going to tell you a story. It’s a true story that has greatly affected the way I work.

About 6 years ago… Maybe more… I was given some advice by a man who claimed to be a big time root doctor in Memphis. Even though I work, I wasn’t confident in my skills. The thing about me… and a lot of people…is we get stuck in that acquisition of knowledge phase. At some point you have to use it to that you can gain an understanding of what you’ve learned. At the time I think all I was doing was smudging, meditation and acquiring stuff. No substantial work.

Anywho…. I was having the same recurrent problem with my car (3 accidents in 2 years) and I was convinced that someone threw at me or my car. I was in a Facebook group trying to get some ideas. Well…. I got it. Dude had me perform some work. Took me a quite a few days to collect the items and then a few days to get everything done. Part of the ritual included reciting the 23rd Psalm backward. (I should have seen it then, but was over eager) I did it. All of it. Without question. And my life went to shit almost instantaneously.

Dude kept after me to ask me if it worked. At first I ignored him. I was a bit salty and a very busy because I had to put my mundane affairs back in order. Then after I researched all the different parts of the work, I recognized what he advised me to do. I didn’t know who to be pissed at; him or me. He clearly had some ulterior motive, but I didn’t do my due-diligence either. There aren’t that many workers who give that level of advice for free. I had been hoping… beforehand…. that he’d want me for a student. But afterward. I was done. What he wanted was for folks to move to Memphis and help him out with a mundane business he was beginning. So he was out in these streets destroying the lives of gullible folks so they would relocate to Memphis to work for him.

Lessons learned:

  1. I’m a powerful worker. The swiftness and veracity of how the work came through was shocking. I have noticed that when I sit down and really study and plan my work comes forward like this. So I have rededicated myself into following that precise path in my work.
  2. I learned to never completely trust another person…. especially strangers…. when it comes to this work. There are workers out there with NO ethics or morals. They don’t care if the advice they give is right or relevant. I know readers who lie and refuse to give clients bad news. Others would see their competition crushed.
  1. I learned to listen to that still small voice. I’ve learned to quiet myself when doing this.
  2. I’ve learned to over research any information I’m given BEFORE I act it. I will NEVER AGAIN follow advice blindly
  3. I’ve learned that divination is the proper way to begin work. I had shied away from divination through the years. I remember when it happened. 2005. I got a sinking feeling from out of nowhere. I got a scary reading that turned out to be accurate. I felt like had I not known what was coming… I might have been in a happier place. Because there was all this dread waiting for it to manifest.

The bottom line of learning here is to take NOTHING on face value. And too good to be true is probably the case.


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Golden Rule


When I was a xian, the golden rule was one of the scripts that was heavily preached. Luke 6:31… “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “And as a child, I always tried to live up to it. I treated people as I wished they would treat me. But I never got the results back that I had intended. Do you know why? That scripture is not a way to conjure folks into treating you well. That scripture means show people how you want to be treated. It doesn’t mean they will do it.

When I was a child in NJ, it would snow several times every winter. My mother would send me and my brother out to shovel old people’s sidewalks and driveways. We weren’t allowed to even consider taking their money for fear of maternal retribution. The reason my mother did this, was because she hoped that she was earning favors for her mother. She told us her rationale was if she sent her children out to help someone’s mother, then someone would send their children out to help her mother. She promptly stopped sending us out when my grandmother died. Who knows if her conjure worked?

I mind my own business, I mean I could give classes… but that’s not my business. Oh I be wanting to know folks business, especially the juicy tidbits… but I never inquire. Even if they start to tell me, I’ll stop them and walk away. You know why? It’s not my business. Does that stop folks from entering MY business? It should according to the common interpretation of Luke 6:31. But you knew the answer was no it doesn’t, right? You knew because of human nature and you know how folks do.

Luke 6:31 said do unto others as you’d HAVE them do unto you. KJV always sounds so authoritative… Not do unto others exactly how they would do unto you. That prescribed law means teach folks how you wanna be treated. And if you don’t get what you want…. then you are either a shitty teacher or have dumbassed students.


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An old friend from NJ came a visiting and my weekend was full of frivolity and giggling! Very Sweet! Anywho…. this friend is cool, as most of my home friends are, with the occult side of me. She even wanted a reading.  So I took her to a couple of spots. I say a couple, because one place we went ended up being closed. Atlanta traffic at 5pm is a true bitch.

We ended up at this “drug store,” that is really a root spot. But they sell ibuprofen so… there’s that. I have had readings in there before. And just let me preface this… I read cards. I give readings. The only way I will pay someone to give me a reading is if I am SUPER distressed… I also didn’t want to give my friend a reading. I knew she wouldn’t trust it because it came from me and I just know too much of her business.

So we go to this “pharmacy” She waits in line to talk with the reader for money. I’m not criticizing how they get down. I’m not. Everybody does their own thing. But being in the store, gave me some time to peruse and to compare how my stash and work is going. I mean, folks who live this lifestyle are few and far between and we hide it. So I am often wondering how I’m doing.

So yes they had toys I don’t have. That is to be expected. But when I looked at the herbage… the washes…. the candles…. I’m in good shape. I also have discernment. I don’t need to have everything they sell. It was recommended that I purchase a $10 candle in the shape of a pyramid. I was told they dressed it. But the candle was wrapped in plastic. the commercial way candles get wrapped. They ain’t dress that candle. (Sometimes you must use the ebonics to convey they sentiment) I’m talented enough to dress my own candles. I’m competent enough to MAKE my own candles. And I’m confident enough to know this and do it. I smiled at the person who recommended the candle and said… “I got one of these the last time I was here.” Was that a lie? Yes. But they just lied to me about preparing these candles. Lying has it’s place….

So know I’m taking a pop quiz why perusing their catalog. How so? I’m looking at the conditions they say they cure. Hell they might! But I’m looking to see if I have a cure on hand for the same condition. If I do… Great! If I don’t… then I need to do the knowledge.

Daily there are things we can do to enhance skills. One just needs to be open to it to notice.


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